Monthly Archives: September 2009

Today’s Proof That Obama is a Socialist

According to the Associated Press, Pfizer was fined $2.38 billion, including a $1.2 billion criminal fine, for the paltry indiscretion of marketing a drug for off-label use.  The Associate Attorney General Thomas Perelli evidently prosecuted the case, illustrating our socialist regime’s obvious intent of rationing our health care by preventing pharmaceutical companies from marketing drugs for uses they aren’t approved for.  Next thing you know, the Administration is going to insist on lengthy and expensive research regimens before drugs are approved for any kind of use.

And this coming only one week after I received my new “machine-readable health plan beneficiary card” in the mail.  Those commie bastards!!

By the by, did you read the text for Obama’s “school speech” to be delivered today?  Obviously a ploy to indoctrinate our children into his evil socialist agendas.  The only thing a President should be reading to our children is The Pet Goat.

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